Friday 31 January 2014

Researching Rocks!

This week after doing some fantastic rock research for homework Year 3 have been researching some of the world's biggest volcanoes in class.  They employed science and computing skills to find out information and then present it effectively.

Each pair researched a different volcano and presented some key facts to the rest of the class. Everyone learned a lot!  At the end there was much debate over whose was the biggest/ most dangerous/ coolest volcano!

Thursday 23 January 2014

Dramatic Dilemmas!

In Literacy this week Year 3 have been developing their adventure story writing skills.  We looked at how authors introduce us to their characters and how characters often come up against a problem or dilemma.  We used a drama activity, 'conscience alley'  to consider how a character with a difficult decision to make might feel with the two sides of their conscience pulling them in different ways.

Friday 17 January 2014

Changing Places

As part of this term's work on our local environment and the things people do to change or improve places, this week Year 3 have been out in the school grounds doing some sketching.  They identified and  drew some of their favourite additions.

...The statue of Mary,...

...Bill and Ben ! ...

and the lovely new prayer garden...

Thursday 9 January 2014

Welcome Back!

Year 3 have got stuck back enthusiastically into work this week.

In Maths we've been learning how to use the grid method for 2-digit multiplication and in Literacy we've begun exploring and writing mystery and adventure stories.

In Science we began our 'Rocks' topic by investigating a range of rocks and coming up different ways of ordering them. The criteria ranged from largest to smallest, to oldest to newest and even coolest to 'least cool'.  Can you work out which picture matches which criteria?

We're looking forward to exploring the rocks and soils of the local area in Science as we also find out more about Harpenden in our Geography work and think about how we can change our environment in DT.