Friday 28 February 2014

Wheelbarrow Workshop!

Year 3 enjoyed a visit from Mrs Wheelbarrow on Thursday this week.  We learned lots about plants, the parts of plants that we can eat and what plants need to grow.  Then we had a brilliant time planting some of our own.  We even learned how to make our own pots.

We look forward to watching our plants grow!

Friday 14 February 2014

International Week!

On Monday we learned an African dance.

On Tuesday we had a go at choreographing our own Shaolin Monk inspired dances and  researched foreign currencies.

On Wednesday we looked at climates around the world and the average temperature and rainfall.

Thursday began with hearing a lovely poem in Chinese and then visiting the International market. Everyone had a fantastic fact-filled world tour!

Friday brought another whirlwind trip around the International Market followed by hearing a wonderful Columbian legend and making the most of the last international afternoon with some more Spanish singing and Chinese dancing!
We all had a wonderful week. Enjoy you half term!

Thursday 6 February 2014

Giving and Following Instructions

This week in Literacy Year 3 have been looking at Instructions. On Wednesday they found out what it was like to be given instructions.

 Is it a hat?

Then we thought about what made instructions successful!
We realised how important it was to know what you were making and what it should look like. We also realised how useful a demonstration or step by step diagrams were. Our finished snowflakes were much more successful on our second attempt at giving instructions.