Tuesday 15 July 2014

Year 3 Special Places Pilgrimage

To end our Special Places RE topic Year 3 have been learning about Pilgrimages and how Christians use them to grow closer to God. As well as designing their own pilgrimages around the school grounds, this afternoon they have worked in small groups to create a class pilgrimage around the school. The focus of the journey was to celebrate the world as the special place God has given us and a place we have been trusted to care for.
Working in groups of four, they each had a focus and we chose locations around the school to support these themes. Each group then chose what they would do to lead each reflection

We began with an introduction to Special Places in the classroom.

We then moved on to the pond where we were led in a reflection on water and particularly the role of water in baptism.

We then moved to the woodland for some time to consider the trees, plants and flowers we have been given to enjoy.

This was followed by a stop at the Statue of Mary. We considered what we can learn about respecting and caring for our planet from Mary.

We then moved on to the prayer garden. This was where we paused to celebrate the world's wildlife through a reading of Noah's Ark.

Next, we travelled up to the playground where we thanked God for our friends and considered how to look after those relationships with a role play and a song.

Finally we returned to the classroom and were led in a presentation about how we can take action to care for God's planet.

The children worked brilliantly together, coming up with some creative ideas and all took part enthusiastically and reflectively.

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